Are you targeting the right market with the right solution at the right time?

Market Validation is an iterative communications and qualitative research process that delivers heart-of-the-market insight and feedback to your solution, strategy, product roadmap, or contemplated vision. The power of the process comes from the interviews we facilitate with customers, end users, industry influencers, and business partners. Inherent in the process is the validation of value proposition, marketing positioning and messaging, most important features/functions, and optimal business model.

Essential to Product Marketing Efforts

The value of Market Validation comes from the richness and depth that emerges from conversations with physicians, executives, and managers in the trenches – as well as in-the-know influencers who understand the market space and provide subject matter expertise, potential access to pilot sites, and/or connections to customers or capital.

The result is clarity and confidence about whether your team is targeting the right market with the right product or solution at the right time.

How It Works

We combine our intuition, industry knowledge, and experience with your team’s collective wisdom to create a set of hypotheses and “big questions” that need to be answered. We then facilitate waves of interviews with key stakeholders to share your product storyboards, tease out opportunities and insights, and probe deeply on your highest priority questions. Your team has the opportunity to listen to the live interviews or listen to the audio recordings we provide.

Between interview waves, we check-in with your team to discuss early learnings. We also work with you to iterate initial interview questions and survey tools, depending on the direction that the heart-of-the-market discussions have taken.

What You Receive

CHS develops all survey instruments and interview guides for the project, as well as provides direction for your team to build a short and simple storyboard or voice-over-PowerPoint video that demonstrates the solution or vision we are asking for feedback on. This is used to set context in each phone interview.

Deliverables include:

  • Recommendations report that includes key insights and relevant quotes from the interviews along with any opportunities identified during the validation process.
  • Presentation of findings, delivered on-site or virtually.
  • Interview recordings (audio files).
  • Interview transcripts.